OSA Cabaret 3D Rendering Entrance View
How to submit your portfolio?
For current Artists:
Submit to the exhibit of your choice by using the correct exhibit submission form for that particular show. Please include a portfolio of 5-10 images (in JPG format), for each exhibit that you are interested in showing.
How will my portfolio be used in the review process?
Jurors will review portfolios for consideration in specified exhibits. *Please see the jurors process in OSA procedures.
Can I submit fewer than 10 images?
Artists are encouraged to submit full portfolios for consideration of works to be in a variety of shows, or a single show. The number of submissions are the responsibility of the artist and how many pieces of his or her work they would like to have in a single show, or a variety of shows based on the 6 month submission process.
Can I submit video clips/animations/gifs?
Yes. Limit the clip to 2 minutes.
I only have access to a camera on my phone – will these images be acceptable?
It is very likely. Open up the image file on a computer and view it full-screen. This is how the reviewers will see your work. If it looks okay (not pixelated) on your screen, it will probably be fine.
Is it okay if the documentation of my artwork includes other visual information?
We strongly advise using solid backgrounds (such as blank walls) to capture your image so that only the artwork itself is visible with that background to distinguish its size and quality. Ideally, you do not want anything extra, to show up in the documentation image or any backgrounds that blend in with your image.
Can I make changes to my portfolio after I upload images?
Once you begin the application process you should regularly “Save” your progress. You can continue to make changes until you officially “Submit” your materials.
Should I submit works in a variety of media or focus on one or two?
We recommend choosing your best works, regardless of which media are used to create them. Consistently strong work in a variety of media will enhance your chances; however, if you have chosen to focus on one or two (or mixed media) that is absolutely acceptable.
Is there certain subject matter that you’re looking for?
No. Originality is key. Work that shows your creativity and personal voice is most important.
Can I submit collaborative work?
Yes. However, in the “Description” section, be very clear about your specific contributions to the artwork.
Do I have to fill out the “Description” section for each work submitted?
No. However, this is an opportunity to give the reviewers more information about your intentions with the work. The success of an artwork is not always in the visual – your work may have additional significance with regard to its references, the location in which it is exhibited, how it was used (as in performative or socially engaged work), or as part of a larger body of work. Share any information that might help us to understand and share with the guests that enter the gallery.
How and when will I find out whether I have been accepted, and how will I be notified?
Artists will be notified of their art work acceptance within 4-weeks of the application deadline.
Arts works will be reviewed in a timely manner. The jurors will come together for joint review and final selections for both individual exhibits as well as the portfolio multi-submission exhibitions .
Whom can I contact if I have other questions about my application?
Email admin@openspaceartspwc.com for any questions about your portfolio application.
Admissions application questions can be directed to admin@openspaceartspwc.com and our admissions team will be in correspondence within 48 hours.